Sept 3, 2024 | Student Navigation Bar, Quiz Builder Improvements and Bug Fixes

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New Features

Updated student navigation bar.

Available: Sep 3, 2024

Introducing an updated navigation bar for students, with easier access to account settings. The updated nav bar is also customizable by course or group.

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Student navigation bar customizable by course.

Available: Sep 3, 2024

Course creators can now customize what appears on the navigation bar for students, add a logo, and choose whether or not students can search for content and navigate to other lessons.

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Student navigation bar customizable by student groups.

Available: Sep 3, 2024

Teachers can now adapt the navigation bar for student groups. Add a logo, and choose whether or not students can search for content and navigate to other lessons.

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Account settings are now visible in the student nav bar.

Available: Sep 3, 2024

Students can now access some account settings directly from the navigation bar, eliminating the need to navigate away from their current page.

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Revert to a previous version of an original quiz.

Available: Sep 3, 2024

Teachers can revert quizzes to a previous version of an original quiz. 

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Students can open quizzes in a new tab.

Available: Sep 3, 2024

To improve students' experience while taking quizzes, students can now open the quiz in a new tab.

Navigation added to the review of quiz attempts.


Available: Sep 3, 2024

Users can now navigate quickly through quizzes to get to the wrong answers, without scrolling the whole content of the quiz.

Fixed Bugs

Preview not working in Quiz Builder.

Fixed: Sep 3, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers

We fixed a bug that crashes the preview of a quiz version in the Quiz Builder.

Tooltips wrapping text on characters.

Fixed: Sep 3, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers | Content Developers 

We resolved a tooltip bug that was causing text to wrap incorrectly around characters.

Teacher quizzes break after reverting.

Fixed: Sep 3, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers | Content Developers 

We fixed a bug that broke teacher quizzes after reverting them to default questions.

Teachers unable to set unlimited attempts on teacher quizzes.

Fixed: Sep 3, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers | Content Developers 

We fixed a bug that prevented teachers from setting unlimited attempts on teacher quizzes.

Search by tags not working in Quiz Builder.

Fixed: Sep 3, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers | Content Developers 

We resolved an issue with the search feature to ensure accurate results when searching by tags.

Question weight locked after merging questions.

Fixed: Sep 3, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers | Content Developers 

We fixed a bug that locked the weight field on questions after dragging and dropping quiz questions in the Quiz Builder.

Bulk apply quiz selection scrolls to the top.

Affected users:  Teachers | Content Developers 

Fixed: Sep 3, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers | Content Developers 

We resolved the selection of quizzes on the bulk apply quiz settings feature that scrolled the list to the top after every selection/deselection.

Presets are saved when the quiz drop-down is open.

Fixed: Sep 3, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers | Content Developers 

A bug was fixed that was causing the presets to be saved while the quiz drop-down list was still open.

The lesson scrolled after closing a learning object.

Fixed: Sep 3, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers | Content Developers 

After closing a learning object, the lesson will keep focus on the learning object, instead of scrolling to the top of the lesson.

Timeout error in the Explore Quizzes tab in Quiz Builder.

Fixed: Sep 3, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers | Content Developers 

An issue was fixed that caused errors while loading the Explore Quizzes tab in the Quiz Builder.

Course Builder not working.

Fixed: Aug 5, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers

We fixed a bug that caused the Course Builder to crash while saving the course.

Bulk apply settings worked incorrectly.

Fixed: Aug 5, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers

We fixed a bug that prevented teachers from bulk applying settings to specific students or groups.

Unlink and relink process not clear for users.

Fixed: Aug 5, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers

We improved the user experience while unlinking and relinking quizzes so the user can be aware of the changes in the quiz.

Auto-Enroll students in courses with zero license cost.

Available: Aug 7, 2024

We created another enrollment period for courses with zero license cost, avoiding additional manual configuration.

Text size and reading images reduced for Note Packages.

Fixed: Jul 22, 2024

Affected users:  Students

We reduced the size of text and reading images for Notes Packages to decrease the page count.

Duplicated question unexpected error.

Fixed: Jul 22, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers

We fixed an issue that was causing an unexpected error when duplicating a question from the manage quiz question module.

Better user experience while editing lessons.

Fixed: Jul 22, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers

We improved the user experience while dragging and dropping content in lesson editing.