Jan 18, 2024 | Teacher Questions

New Features

In this release, we are launching Teacher Questions for StudyForge Quizzes. This feature will allow teachers to create and edit questions to be used in Quizzes. A teacher can also copy questions and modify them as desired.

Teachers can create quiz questions. [Beta Users]

Learning Objects | Quiz Questions

Available: Jan 18, 2024

The teachers have an option from the hamburger menu to create quiz questions. This option allows teachers to customize the content of a quiz to be used in the quizzes.

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Teachers can manage their quiz questions. [Beta Users]

Learning Objects | Quiz Questions

Available: Jan 18, 2024

A Manage Quiz Questions option is available for teachers from the hamburger menu. This page allows teachers to display the questions owned by them and also allows them to create, edit, or delete questions. A search feature is provided to edit a specific quiz question.

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Teachers can edit quiz questions not owned by them. [Beta Users]

Learning Objects | Quiz Questions

Available: Jan 18, 2024

From now on, teachers can edit quiz questions from authors and modify them as desired. A copy of the question is created to keep the source of information, and to avoid affecting other users. The teacher becomes the owner of the newly created quiz questions but the author remains the same as the original quiz question.

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LTI allowed for links without group logic.

User Permissions

Available: Jan 16, 2024

We are now allowing to add LTI links for management pages that the user can see. Studyforge allows the login and display of these pages using the LTI protocol.


The Teacher feedback items were not rendering correctly.

Fixed: Jan 16, 2024

Affected users: Teachers | Students

When the student was attempting a quiz, if the question had teacher feedback available, the feedback was not shown to the student. This affected the performance of students, omitting useful information for students when attempting to answer a quiz. Now, all available information, or feedback is displayed properly to students.