Jan 12, 2024 | Bulk Apply

New Features

Introducing the Bulk Apply quiz settings feature. [Beta Users]

Bulk Apply

Available Jan 12, 2024

The Bulk apply feature resolves the process of applying the same settings to multiple quizzes or groups. With this feature, a teacher will be able to configure a set of settings and apply them to multiple groups of students and quizzes all from one screen. 

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Improving Bulk Apply with presets. [Beta Users]

Bulk Apply | Quizzes

Available Jan 12, 2024

To make the bulk apply process even easier we have included presets in the bulk process. The users will be able to create/apply predefined settings to students, groups of students, and quizzes. 

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Accurate tab names on the Quiz Builder.

Quiz Builder

Available: Jan 12, 2024

We modified the name of the course quiz while editing the group quiz to clarify the quiz builder layout. This name will help teachers identify the correct tab while using the quiz builder.

Image 1. Original Quiz History tab.

Preventing empty names in presets.


Available: Jan 12, 2024

We are now preventing users from creating presets without a name. By disabling the Save button when the name field is empty, we avoid preset creation issues. This feature will affect the preset creation in quiz settings, bulk apply settings page, and manage presets page. 

Image 2. Disabled Save Preset button when the preset name is empty

Presets name length validation


Available Jan 12, 2024

We included a max length on the preset name to avoid issues. The maximum length allowed is 255 characters. Numbers and special characters are also allowed in the naming convention.