Feb 20, 2024 | Improved Text Editor

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New Features

In this StudyForge release, we are introducing an improved text editor for readings. Using this editor, we are including new features such as Undo/Redo actions, Table editor, and CSS editor, to the previous features: alignment, indentation, and text formatting.

Improved Text Editor for Readings.

Learning Objects | Editor

Available: Feb 20, 2024

The teacher will interact with a more stylish, and improved text editor. This text editor will allow teachers to create better readings with more options to be included in the reading, such as tables. We also added undo/redo actions to help improve the user experience while creating or editing readings.

Old Text Editor

New Text Editor

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Table features available for Readings.

Learning Objects | Editor

Available: Feb 20, 2024

With the new text editor, the teachers will be able to add tables to readings, add formatting to tables, add/remove columns or rows, and even modify cell properties as desired.

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Undo/Redo actions are only applicable to the builder tab.

Building Tools | Quiz Builder

Available: Feb 20, 2024

The undo/redo actions were affecting both the Builder and Settings tabs in the Quiz Builder, generating confusion among teachers who could not follow the undo/redo changes in the quiz. From this release, we excluded the settings from the undo/redo actions and made them only applicable to the Builder tab. This creates a better experience for teachers while using the undo/redo features.


LTI links generated from group quiz pages were wrong.

Fixed: Feb 20, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers

When using the “Copy LTI link” of the hamburger menu from group quiz pages, the LTI links included the group number, which can cause problems if the links are ever duplicated in the LMS. This fix removes the group number from the LTI link, improving the stability for users when using LTI links.

Attempts table not loading due to Teacher’s feedback quiz comments.

Fixed: Feb 20, 2024

Affected users:  Teachers

When a teacher was trying to load  teacher's feedback quiz comment that contained complicated HTML, the attempts table was presenting issues when loading, creating a poor user experience on the attempts page. We added sanitization processes to improve the performance of the attempts table while loading the teacher's feedback quiz comments.

The pool weight was assigned incorrectly.

Fixed: Feb 20, 2024

Affected users: Students | Teachers

In quizzes with multiple pools with a high number of questions per pool (over 20), the quiz grade was showing an incorrect number on the attempts page, creating confusion among teachers. We made some fixes to the grading system on pools and now the attempts page is displaying the correct number on the grade column.

Guests user's accessibility issues.

Fixed: Feb 20, 2024

Affected users: Guests 

If a guest user changed the accessibility features, the changes were affecting other guest users when interacting with the Studyforge platform. From this release, the changes made to the accessibility features by a guest are reset after they leave the page.

PDF and WORD icons were broken on LTI file download pages.

Fixed: Feb 20, 2024

Affected users: Students | Teachers

When downloading a PDF or Word document, there were broken link icons confusing teachers and students. These broken icons are now fixed on the file download pages.

Applying themes to Notes in the Readings was crashing the app.

Fixed: Feb 20, 2024

Affected users: Teachers

The teachers were having issues when trying to apply themes while creating or editing Readings. When saving the Readings, instead of displaying the Reading view page, the teachers were getting an error page. With this fix, the Reading view page works as expected, allowing teachers to verify that the themes were applied.

The quiz builder crashed when entering a long quiz name.

Fixed: Feb 20, 2024

Affected users: Teachers

When entering a long name to quizzes, the application displayed an error page. Now, the teachers or content creators can assign any desired name to the quizzes without experiencing crashing issues in the quiz builder feature.

The application was not redirecting institutional logged-out users to the login page.

Fixed: Feb 20, 2024

Affected users: Everyone

When trying to access the institutional quiz settings page without being logged in, instead of being redirected to the login page, the application was displaying an error page. This fix includes validating logged-out users and redirecting them to the login page to enter studyforge credentials. 

The Advanced toggle from the Reading creation page does not work properly.

Fixed: Feb 20, 2024

Affected users: Teachers

When the teachers were toggling ON the Advanced reading, the page went blank. The Advance toggle checkbox was removed from the Reading creation/update page to avoid poor user experience issues.

Performance issues on the Bulk settings page.

Fixed: Feb 20, 2024

Affected users: Students | Teachers

A coding element missing from the Bulk settings page was causing minor performance issues. The element was already added to the page, improving the webpage's accessibility.

Guest users were able to access Course builder features.

Fixed: Feb 20, 2024

Affected users: Guests

The guest users were able to access the course builder from the navigation bar. With this fix, the guests are no longer able to access features without proper permissions or credentials.

The teachers were not able to identify broken questions links during the quiz review.

Fixed: Feb 20, 2024

Affected users: Teachers

The broken questions were not rendered in the quiz review, and the teachers had issues with identifying missing questions from quizzes during the review. We included an alert letting the teacher know that a link to a question is broken during the review.