Apr 23, 2024 | Quiz Builder and Bulk Apply now include Nav Bar

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New Features

Nav Bar is now available in Quiz Builder.

Nav Bar 

Available: Apr 23, 2024

Introducing a new and improved nav bar in Studyforge that enhances user experience and streamlines access to different features and functionalities. We expanded the navigation bar coverage by adding it to the latest features such as Quiz Builder, Settings Presets, and Bulk Apply Settings.

Fig 1. Quiz builder with Navigation bar available


Resend emails for expired links.


Available: Apr 23, 2024

When a user clicks on an expired link in an email, we are now sending a new email with a new link, giving the user extra time to connect to StudyForge. This way, we improved the user experience with the notification process.

Quiz Builder is no longer a Beta feature.

Quiz Builder 

Available: Apr 23, 2024

The trial period is over! With a new and improved navigation bar available in the Quiz Builder and with no major bugs reported, we removed the Beta flag from the Quiz Builder. We now have a stable version of the Quiz Builder that teachers can feel confident using to edit their quizzes. 

Fixed Bugs

False permissions checks for guest users.

Fixed: Apr 15, 2024

Affected users: Guests 

An internal logic error was preventing users with role assignment permissions from being able to add a role assignment to a group. Though this did not affect any other user interfaces or have any impact on overall performance, it did cause incorrect permissions checks and displayed misleading errors to the user.